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French President Armand Fallieres 1906 Old Illustration PhotoFrench President Armand Fallieres 1906 Old Illustration Photo
AUD 9.0
Category : Other Historical Memorabilia
Seller : crcollectables(5235, 98.5%)
Fallieres seated c1900 Large Old PhotoFallieres seated c1900 Large Old Photo
AUD 8.5
Category : Other Historical Memorabilia
Seller : xroads13(6821, 97.5%)
Armand Fallieres, Eugene Piron c1900 Large Old PhotoArmand Fallieres, Eugene Piron c1900 Large Old Photo
AUD 8.5
Category : Other Historical Memorabilia
Seller : xroads13(6821, 97.5%)
Former President Republic Armand Fallieres June 1931 Paris France Old PhotoFormer President Republic Armand Fallieres June 1931 Paris France Old Photo
AUD 8.5
Category : Other Historical Memorabilia
Seller : xroads13(6643, 97.5%)
The president Fallieres decorating the flag 1910 OLD PHOTOThe president Fallieres decorating the flag 1910 OLD PHOTO
AUD 8.5
Category : Other Historical Memorabilia
Seller : russtysilver(34308, 97.3%)
Andre Fallieres French Politician France 1930 OLD PHOTOAndre Fallieres French Politician France 1930 OLD PHOTO
AUD 8.5
Category : Other Historical Memorabilia
Seller : russtygold(80267, 97.7%)
The president Fallieres decorating the flag 1910 OLD PHOTOThe president Fallieres decorating the flag 1910 OLD PHOTO
AUD 8.5
Category : Other Historical Memorabilia
Seller : russtysilver(34308, 97.3%)
The president Fallieres decorating the flag 1910 OLD PHOTOThe president Fallieres decorating the flag 1910 OLD PHOTO
AUD 8.5
Category : Other Historical Memorabilia
Seller : russtysilver(34308, 97.3%)
art Fredillo France Fallieres bondage political humor caricature 1900s postcardart Fredillo France Fallieres bondage political humor caricature 1900s postcard
USD 10.0
Category : Non-Topographical Postcards
Seller : portugalcards(56828, 100.0%)
The president Fallieres decorating the flag 1910 OLD PHOTOThe president Fallieres decorating the flag 1910 OLD PHOTO
AUD 8.5
Category : Other Historical Memorabilia
Seller : russtysilver(34308, 97.3%)
Journey of president Fallieres at Besancon 1910 OLD PHOTOJourney of president Fallieres at Besancon 1910 OLD PHOTO
AUD 8.5
Category : Other Historical Memorabilia
Seller : russtysilver(34308, 97.3%)
Journey of president Fallieres at Besancon 1910 OLD PHOTOJourney of president Fallieres at Besancon 1910 OLD PHOTO
AUD 8.5
Category : Other Historical Memorabilia
Seller : russtysilver(34308, 97.3%)
Armand Fallieres with presidential huntings Rambouillet 1913 OLD PHOTOArmand Fallieres with presidential huntings Rambouillet 1913 OLD PHOTO
AUD 9.0
Category : Other Historical Memorabilia
Seller : russtygold(81085, 97.7%)
Albert Ist and the president Fallieres 1910 OLD PHOTOAlbert Ist and the president Fallieres 1910 OLD PHOTO
AUD 8.5
Category : Other Historical Memorabilia
Seller : russtysilver(34308, 97.3%)
The king Ferdinand of Bulgaria and the president Fallieres OLD PHOTOThe king Ferdinand of Bulgaria and the president Fallieres OLD PHOTO
AUD 8.5
Category : Other Historical Memorabilia
Seller : russtysilver(34308, 97.3%)
Armand Fallieres President Of The French Republic France Old PhotoArmand Fallieres President Of The French Republic France Old Photo
AUD 8.5
Category : Other Historical Memorabilia
Seller : russtygold(80443, 97.7%)
c art Giris Armand Fallieres political satirical caricature France 1910 postcardc art Giris Armand Fallieres political satirical caricature France 1910 postcard
USD 5.0
Category : Non-Topographical Postcards
Seller : portugalcards(56808, 100.0%)
Arrival of president Fallieres in Saint-Nazaire 1910 OLD PHOTOArrival of president Fallieres in Saint-Nazaire 1910 OLD PHOTO
AUD 8.5
Category : Other Historical Memorabilia
Seller : russtysilver(34308, 97.3%)
Manoeuvres of Picardy president Fallieres conversing 1910 OLD PHOTOManoeuvres of Picardy president Fallieres conversing 1910 OLD PHOTO
AUD 8.5
Category : Other Historical Memorabilia
Seller : russtysilver(34308, 97.3%)
a art Giris Armand Fallieres political satirical caricature France 1910 postcarda art Giris Armand Fallieres political satirical caricature France 1910 postcard
USD 5.0
Category : Non-Topographical Postcards
Seller : portugalcards(56808, 100.0%)