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Pokemon TCG Scarlet and Violet Twilight Masquerade Singles Reverse Holo ACE SPEC

Ungraded - Near mint or better
001 Tangela
001 Tangela RH
002 Tangrowth
002 Tangrowth RH
003 Pinsir
003 Pinsir RH
004 Spinarak
004 Spinarak RH
005 Ariados
005 Ariados RH
006 Sunkern
006 Sunkern RH
007 Sunflora
007 Sunflora RH
008 Heracross
008 Heracross RH
009 Volbeat
009 Volbeat RH
010 Illumise
010 Illumise RH
011 Leafeon
011 Leafeon RH
012 Phantump
012 Phantump RH
013 Trevenant
013 Trevenant RH
014 Grookey
014 Grookey RH
015 Thwackey
015 Thwackey RH
016 Rillaboom
016 Rillaboom RH
017 Applin
017 Applin RH
018 Dipplin
018 Dipplin RH
019 Iron Leaves HOLO
019 Iron Leaves RH
020 Poltchageist
020 Poltchageist RH
021 Poltchageist
021 Poltchageist RH
022 Sinistcha HOLO
022 Sinistcha RH
023 Sinistcha ex
024 Teal Mask Ogerpon HOLO
024 Teal Mask Ogerpon RH
025 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex
152 Hyper Aroma ACE SPEC rare
162 Scoop Up Cyclone ACE SPEC rare
163 Secret Box ACE SPEC rare
164 Survival Brace ACE SPEC rare
165 Unfair Stamp ACE SPEC rare
167 Legacy Energy ACE SPEC rare
026 Vulpix
026 Vulpix RH
027 Ninetales
027 Ninetales RH
028 Slugma
028 Slugma RH
029 Magcargo ex
030 Torkoal
030 Torkoal RH
031 Chimchar
031 Chimchar RH
032 Monferno
032 Monferno RH
033 Infernape
033 Infernape HOLO
033 Infernape RH
034 Darumaka
034 Darumaka RH
035 Darmanitan
035 Darmanitan RH
036 Litwick
036 Litwick RH
037 Lampent
037 Lampent RH
038 Chandelure HOLO
038 Chandelure RH
039 Chi-Yu
039 Chi-Yu RH
040 Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon ex Double Rare
041 Poliwag
041 Poliwag RH
042 Poliwhirl
042 Poliwhirl RH
043 Poliwrath
043 Poliwrath RH
044 Goldeen
044 Goldeen RH
045 Seaking
045 Seaking RH
046 Jynx
046 Jynx RH
047 Corphish
047 Corphish RH
048 Crawdaunt
048 Crawdaunt RH
049 Feebas
049 Feebas RH
050 Milotic
050 Milotic RH
051 Snorunt
051 Snorunt RH
052 Glalie
052 Glalie RH
053 Froslass HOLO
053 Froslass RH
054 Glaceon
054 Glaceon RH
055 Phione
055 Phione RH
056 Froakie
056 Froakie RH
057 Frogadier
057 Frogadier RH
058 Cramorant
058 Cramorant RH
059 Finizen
059 Finizen RH
060 Palafin
060 Palafin RH
061 Palafin ex
062 Iron Bundle
062 Iron Bundle RH
063 Walking Wake
063 Walking Wake RH
064 Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex
065/167 Zapdos HOLO
065/167 Zapdos RH
066/167 Shinx
066/167 Shinx RH
067/167 Luxio
067/167 Luxio RH
068/167 Luxray ex
069/167 Emolga
069/167 Emolga RH
070/167 Helioptile
070/167 Helioptile RH
071/167 Heliolisk
071/167 Heliolisk RH
072/167 Morpeko
072/167 Morpeko RH
073/167 Tadbulb
073/167 Tadbulb RH
074/167 Bellibolt
074/167 Bellibolt RH
075/167 Wattrel
075/167 Wattrel RH
076/167 Kilowattrel
076/167 Kilowattrel RH
077/167 Iron Thorns ex
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Located in: Frenchville, QLD, Australia
No returns accepted.

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eBay item number:116450990312
Last updated on 22 Feb, 2025 15:23:52 AEDSTView all revisionsView all revisions

Item specifics

Ungraded - Near mint or better: Not in original packaging or professionally graded
Pokémon TCG
Twilight Masquerade
Year Manufactured
Card Stock
Card Type
Age Level

Item description from the seller

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  • o***e (199)- Feedback left by buyer.
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    Great seller. Items as described, packaged well and arrived early. Thanks
  • h***8 (2)- Feedback left by buyer.
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    Item received promptly & exactly as ordered. Happy to purchase from seller again in the future.
  • l***0 (35)- Feedback left by buyer.
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    Arrived safe and securely packed! Thanks a bunch!