Product Information
Are you in 'The Comparison Trap'? Too often, women hold each other back, bad mouthing and making unflattering comparisons. Social media gives extra opportunities for negative comment. What would happen, asks Helen Roberts, if women ceased to compete and compare? What if we settled our conflicts and resolved instead to champion one another? To celebrate each other's victories? In The Comparison Trap Helen explores the complexities of female relationships in workplaces, families and friendship circles, using contemporary, historical, personal and biblical examples. This book is for women who want to establish healthy habits, enabling their relationships to thrive. This will help them to live more confidently as the daughters the Father intends us to be, free from envy or comparison.Product Identifiers
PublisherSpck Publishing
eBay Product ID (ePID)24046465902
Product Key Features
Book TitleThe Comparison Trap
AuthorRevd Helen Roberts
Publication Year2020
Item Height198mm
Item Width129mm
Additional Product Features
Title_AuthorRevd Helen Roberts
Country/Region of ManufactureUnited Kingdom