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Pokemon GO 🟩 Rare, Holo, Reverse, V, VMAX 🟩 CHOOSE PICK YOUR CARD 🟩

AU $1.00
ApproximatelyUS $0.62
Ungraded - Near mint or better
#001/078 | Bulbasaur | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#002/078 | Ivysaur | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#003/078 | Venusaur | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#003/078 | Venusaur | Holo (Out of stock)
#005/078 | Alolan Exeggutor V | Holo
#006/078 | Spinarak | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#007/078 | Ariados | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#008/078 | Charmander | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#009/078 | Charmeleon | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#010/078 | Charizard | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#012/078 | Moltres | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#012/078 | Moltres | Holo (Out of stock)
#013/078 | Numel | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#014/078 | Camerupt | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#015/078 | Squirtle | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#016/078 | Wartortle | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#017/078 | Blastoise | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#017/078 | Blastoise | Holo (Out of stock)
#019/078 | Slowpoke | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#020/078 | Slowbro | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#021/078 | Magikarp | Rev Holo
#022/078 | Gyarados | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#022/078 | Gyarados | Holo (Out of stock)
#023/078 | Lapras | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#023/078 | Lapras | Holo
#024/078 | Articuno | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#024/078 | Articuno | Holo (Out of stock)
#025/078 | Wimpod | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#026/078 | Golisopod | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#026/078 | Golisopod | Holo
#027/078 | Pikachu | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#028/078 | Pikachu | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#028/078 | Pikachu | Holo
#029/078 | Zapdos | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#029/078 | Zapdos | Holo (Out of stock)
#032/078 | Natu | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#033/078 | Xatu | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#034/078 | Lunatone | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#035/078 | Sylveon | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#035/078 | Sylveon | Holo (Out of stock)
#036/078 | Onix | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#037/078 | Larvitar | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#038/078 | Pupitar | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#039/078 | Solrock | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#040/078 | Conkeldurr V | Holo
Most popularMost popular
#041/078 | Alolan Rattata | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#042/078 | Alolan Raticate | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#043/078 | Tyranitar | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#043/078 | Tyranitar | Holo
#044/078 | Steelix | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#045/078 | Meltan | Rev Holo
#046/078 | Melmetal | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#046/078 | Melmetal | Holo
#047/078 | Melmetal V | Holo (Out of stock)
#048/078 | Melmetal VMAX | Holo (Out of stock)
#051/078 | Chansey | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#052/078 | Blissey | Rev Holo
#052/078 | Blissey | Holo
#054/078 | Eevee | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#055/078 | Snorlax | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#055/078 | Snorlax | Holo (Out of stock)
#056/078 | Aipom | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#057/078 | Ambipom | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#058/078 | Slaking V | Holo (Out of stock)
#059/078 | Bidoof | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#060/078 | Bibarel | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#061/078 | Pidove | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#062/078 | Tranquill | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#063/078 | Unfezant | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#064/078 | Blanche | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#065/078 | Candela | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#067/078 | Lure Module | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#069/078 | Rare Candy | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#066/078 | Egg Incubator | Rev Holo
#068/078 | PokeStop | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
#070/078 | Spark | Rev Holo (Out of stock)
Last one1,218 sold
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This one's trending. 1218 have already sold.
May not ship to United States. Read item description or contact seller for shipping options.
Located in: Clyde North, Australia
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eBay item number:144764607757
Last updated on Jul 22, 2024 19:43:10 PDTView all revisionsView all revisions

Item specifics

Ungraded - Near mint or better: Not in original packaging or professionally graded
Pokémon TCG
Pokémon GO

Item description from the seller

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100% positive feedback38K items sold

Joined Mar 2020
Usually responds within 24 hours
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  • p***s (219)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
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    Great quality card, packaged with care. I would recommend this seller.
  • n***r (49)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past year
    Verified purchase
    Arrived in perfect condition in soft protective case. Thank you very much mate
  • i***_ (411)- Feedback left by buyer.
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