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Evolution and Adaptation of Terrestrial Arthropods by John L. Cloudsley-Thompson
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eBay item number:156099785553
Item specifics
- Condition
- ISBN-13
- 9783540181880
- Book Title
- Evolution and Adaptation of Terrestrial Arthropods
- 9783540181880
About this product
Product Information
Thisisnotintendedtobeacomprehensivetextbookofentomology andarachnology,butratheraconcisesynthesisofcertainbasic informationrequiredfor BSc(Hons)andMSc(Entomology) examinations. Theapproachisprimarilyfunctional:forinstance, theskeletalandwaterproofingpropertiesofthearthropodcuticle arediscussed,butnotitsbiochemistry;andIhaveincludedonly thosepointswithwhichIbelievealladvancedstudentsofthesub* jectoughttobefamiliar. Someaspectsaretodayregardedas outdated;othersdonotappearinanycurrenttexts,butIhave includedthembecauseIconsiderthemtobeimportant. Innoway, therefore,shouldthisberegardedasabookofreference. Tobe frank,itconsistsofamassofoversimplificationsandunqualified generalizationswhichareintendedtoclarifythecomplexprinciples underlyingthem. OncetheseprincipleshavebeenthorougWy grasped,thereaderwillhaveacquiredasufficientlybroadapproach tobeabletogetthebestvaluefrommoreadvancedtreatises. MythanksareduetoDrs. JohnDalingwater,AndrewMilner, andespeciallyPaulHillyardfortheiradviceonpalaeontological matters;toProfessorsEinarBursellforpermissiontouseFig. 8, takenfromhis An Introduction to Insect Physiology(Academic Press),NeilF. HadleyandtheEditorsof American Scientistto reproduceFigs. 52,53,andtoF. SchallerforFig. 42fromachap- terhewroteinGupta(ed. ) Arthropod Phylogeny(VanNostrand Reinhold). Finally,IwouldliketoexpressmygratitudetoRoy Abrahamsforredrawingthefiguresshowinginsectwingvenations andtoEileenBerghfortypingthemanuscript. Thebookwas completedduringtenureofaLeverhulmeEmeritusFellowship whichIampleasedtoacknowledge,whileProfessorN. A. Mitchison FRSkindlyprovidedmewithaccommodationinUniversityCol* lege,London. J. L. CWUDSLEY-THOMPSON Contents 1 PalaeontologyandPhylogeny...1 1. 1 TheEarliestArthropodanFossils...1 1. 2 TheFirstTerrestrialArthropods...2 1. 3 EvolutionintheArthropods...4 1. 3. 1 EmbryologicalConsiderations...4 1. 3. 2 ComparativeMorphology...5 1. 3. 3 MonophyleticorPolyphyleticOrigins...6 FurtherReading...9 2 ImplicationsofLiveonLand...10 2. 1 TheSignificanceofSize 10 2. 1. 1 Size,SkeletonsandAllometry 11 2. 1. 2 AllometricGrowth 12 2. 2 WaterRelations 12 2. 3 TheConquestoftheLand 14 2. 4 . TheIntegument 14 2. 4. 1 TheEndocuticle 15 2. 4. 2 TheExocuticle 15 2. 4. 3 TheEpicuticle 16 2. 5 GrowthandEcdysis 18 2. 6 Respiration:Lung-BooksandTracheae 19 2. 7 NutritionandExcretion 21 2. 7. 1 Nutrition 21 2. 7. 2 Excretion 22 2. 8 EcologicalConsiderationsofSize 23 FurtherReading 25 3 TheConquestoftheLandbyCrustacea...26 3. 1 TypesofAdaptation...26 3. 2 TransitionfromWatertoLandinAmphipoda 26 3. 3 TransitionfromWatertoLandinDecapoda 28 3. 4 TransitionfromWatertoLandinIsopoda 30 3. 4. 1 Morphology 30 3. 4. 2Physiology...31 3. 4. 3 Behaviour 34 VIII Contents 3. 5 Conclusion 35 FurtherReading...36 4 InsectPhylogenyandtheOriginofFlight...37 4. 1 AncestryofInsects 37 4. 2 TheOriginofWings 38 4. 2. 1 Apte10taandtheAncestryofSpiders 39 4. 3 Paranota1Theory 40 4. 4 TrachealGillTheory . 42 4. 5 SelectionforFlight 43 4. 6 PhylogenyoftheLowerInsectOrders . 44 4. 6. 1 FossilEvidence .
Product Identifiers
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg Gmbh & Co. Kg
eBay Product ID (ePID)
Product Key Features
Number of Pages
141 Pages
Publication Name
Evolution and Adaptation of Terrestrial Arthropods
Zoology, Biology
Publication Year
Item Height
244 mm
Item Weight
276 g
Item Width
170 mm
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VAT number: AU 82107909133, GB 293967539
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