Product Information
Another great certification opportunity! Our best-selling RHCE certification study guide author is writing a performance based exam preparation study guide for the new RHCT (Red Hat Certified Technician) certificationGet complete coverage of exam objectives and performance-based requirements for the RHCT examLearn what you need to know with the integrated study system based on proven pedagogy.Run the CD so you can answer the review questions and take a practice RH202 exam written by the author (the exam is accessible through UNIX).Product Identifiers
PublisherMcgraw-Hill Education-Europe
eBay Product ID (ePID)96337344
Product Key Features
Number of Pages512 Pages
Publication NameRhct Red Hat Certified Technician Linux Study Guide (Exam Rh202)
Publication Year2004
SubjectComputer Science
AuthorMichael Jang
Item Height231 mm
Item Weight1025 g
Additional Product Features
Country/Region of ManufactureUnited States
Title_AuthorMichael Jang
Series TitleCertification Press