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Weiss Schwarz - Avatar The Last Airbender - Choose your Card

AU $2.00
ApproximatelyUS $1.27
Ungraded - Near mint or better
001 RR - Aang: The Last Airbender
003 R - Aang: Blending In
004 U - Lion Turtle
005 U - Appa: Flying Bison
006 U - Appa & Momo: Samurai Battle
007 U - Aang: Learning Avatar State
008 U - Aang: Missing Companion
009 U - Aang: The Importance of Forgiveness
010 C - Koh: The Face Stealer
011 C - Aang & Katara: Expressing Affection
012 C - Ember Island Players: Casting Horrors
013 C - Momo: Winged Lemur
014 C - Gyatso: Mentor
015 C - Appa: Ready to Fight
016 C - Momo: Loneliness
017 C - Appa: Lost
018 U - Yip-Yip!
019 U - Aang: Consulting His Past Selves
020 CR - Energy Bending
021 CR - Struck Down
022 CC - Reunion With the Group
023 RR - Toph: Wanted
024 RR - Toph: The Blind Bandit (Out of stock)
025 R - Toph: Stopping Library From Sinking
026 R - Suki: Kiyoshi Warrior
027 R - Toph & Aang: Earthbending Lessons
028 R - Toph: High Society
029 R - Toph: Metalbending
030 U - Aang: Protecting Ba Sing Se
031 U - Toph: Childhood
Most popularMost popular
032 U - Suki: Coming to the Rescue
033 U - Dai Li Agents
034 U - Xin Fu & Master Yu: Trapped by Metal
035 U - Toph: Sleep Deprived
036 U - Toph: Prankster
037 U - Long Feng: Grand Secretariat
038 C - Bumi: An Old Friend
039 C - Ember Island Players: Played by a Man
040a C - Joo Dee: Welcome to Ba Sing Se (a)
040b C - Joo Dee: Welcome to Ba Sing Se (b)
040c C - Joo Dee: Welcome to Ba Sing Se (c)
041 C - Aang: Building a Zoo
042 C - Jet: Manipulated
043 C - Toph: Melon Lord
044 U - There's No War in Ba Sing Se
045 CR - Skillful Display
046 CC - Invention of Metalbending
047 CC - Failure to Protect
048 RR - Zuko: Crossroads
051 R - Zuko: Tea Server
052 R - Zuko & Iroh: Forgiveness
053 R - Iroh: Tea Server
055 R - Mai: Moody
056 R - Zuko: On the Run
058 R - Iroh: The Dragon of the West
060 U - Ty Lee: Betrayal
061 U - Lord Ozai
062 U - Iroh: Order of the White Lotus
063 U - Zuko: Near the Campfire
064 U - Zuko: Redirecting Lightning
065 U - Iroh: Buffed
066 U - Azula: Sinister Scheme
067 C - Aang: Firebending Misfire
068 C - Iroh: Leaves From the Vine
069 C - Mai: Betrayal
070 C - Ember Island Players: Scar On the Wrong Si
071 C - Zuko: Awkward Greeting
072 C - Aang: Wavering Confidence
073a U - Tea Wisdom (a)
073b U - Tea Wisdom (b)
073c U - Tea Wisdom (c) (Out of stock)
074 CR - Siblings' Agni Kai
075 CR - Colors of Fire
076 CC - Falling Out
077 RR - Sokka: Warrior of the Southern Water Trib
078 RR - Katara: Desire to Help
079 RR - Katara: Saving Aang
080 R - Katara: Quick Thinker
081 R - Katara: No Chance Given
082 R - Sokka: Offering Different Perspectives
083 R - Katara: Experienced Fighter
084 R - Katara: Vengeful
085 R - Sokka: Cactus Juice
087 U - Sokka: Warm Welcome
088 U - Tui & La
089 C - Aang: Attacking With Water
090 C - Katara: Playing With Water
091 C - Ember Island Players: Terrible Jokes
092 C - Ember Island Players: Melodramatic
093 C - Sokka: Fire Nation Disguise
094 C - Katara: High Society
095 C - Katara: Fire Nation Disguise
096 C - Hama: Blood Bender
097 U - Healing Lessons
098 CR - Spirit Water
099 CC - Space Sword
100 CC - Frozen in Action
9 available9 sold
Hurry before it's gone. 1 person is watching this item.
Popular item. 9 have already sold.
May not ship to United States. Read item description or contact seller for shipping options.
Located in: Parramatta, NSW, Australia
Seller does not accept returns. If the item you received doesn't match the listing description, your purchase may be eligible for eBay Money Back Guarantee if the return request is made within 3 days from delivery.
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Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.
eBay item number:196508501418
Last updated on Nov 11, 2024 04:50:25 PSTView all revisionsView all revisions

Item specifics

Ungraded - Near mint or better: Not in original packaging or professionally graded
Avatar The Last Airbender
Age Level
Card Size
Weiss Schwarz
Weiss Schwarz

Item description from the seller

About this seller


100% positive feedback101 items sold

Joined Mar 2024
100% positive feedback
101 items sold

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  • 7***5 (813)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
    Verified purchase
    A++ seller!! Great item as described!! Great packaging!! Good communication!! Quick shipment!! Highly recommend!!
  • 7***7 (366)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
    Verified purchase
    Great seller, quick postage, good communication & fair price.
  • a***i (560)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
    Verified purchase
    Item as described. Hassle free transaction. Fast delivery. Item well packaged. Excellent seller.. Thank you