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Trupro Steering Suspension Kit for SUBARU FORESTER Forester 197-L02 SF 3/97-5/02

AU $603.20
ApproximatelyUS $379.96
Was AU $634.95 (5% off)What does this price mean?
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Sale ends in: 3d 15h
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Located in: Blacktown, Australia
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eBay item number:234782918941
Last updated on Dec 26, 2023 07:13:53 PSTView all revisionsView all revisions


This part is compatible with 31 vehicle(s)
SubaruForester2008SG SUV 2.0 AWD (SG5)AWD Petrol 2.0L 4cyl 92kW EJ2011994cc 92kW (Petrol)
SubaruForester2008SG SUV 2.0 S Turbo AWD (SG5)AWD Petrol 2.0L 4cyl 130kW EJ2051994cc 130kW (Petrol)
SubaruForester2007SG SUV 2.0 AWD (SG5)AWD Petrol 2.0L 4cyl 92kW EJ2011994cc 92kW (Petrol)
SubaruForester2007SG SUV 2.0 S Turbo AWD (SG5)AWD Petrol 2.0L 4cyl 130kW EJ2051994cc 130kW (Petrol)
SubaruForester2006SG SUV 2.0 AWD (SG5)AWD Petrol 2.0L 4cyl 92kW EJ2011994cc 92kW (Petrol)
SubaruForester2006SG SUV 2.0 S Turbo AWD (SG5)AWD Petrol 2.0L 4cyl 130kW EJ2051994cc 130kW (Petrol)
SubaruForester2005SG SUV 2.5 RX Nato AWD (SG9)AWD Petrol 2.5L 4cyl 115kW EJ252457cc 115kW (Petrol)
SubaruForester2005SG SUV 2.0 AWD (SG5)AWD Petrol 2.0L 4cyl 92kW EJ2011994cc 92kW (Petrol)
SubaruForester2005SG SUV 2.0 S Turbo AWD (SG5)AWD Petrol 2.0L 4cyl 130kW EJ2051994cc 130kW (Petrol)
SubaruForester2004SG SUV 2.5 RX Nato AWD (SG9)AWD Petrol 2.5L 4cyl 115kW EJ252457cc 115kW (Petrol)
SubaruForester2004SG SUV 2.0 AWD (SG5)AWD Petrol 2.0L 4cyl 92kW EJ2011994cc 92kW (Petrol)
SubaruForester2004SG SUV 2.0 S Turbo AWD (SG5)AWD Petrol 2.0L 4cyl 130kW EJ2051994cc 130kW (Petrol)
SubaruForester2003SG SUV 2.5 RX Nato AWD (SG9)AWD Petrol 2.5L 4cyl 115kW EJ252457cc 115kW (Petrol)
SubaruForester2003SG SUV 2.0 AWD (SG5)AWD Petrol 2.0L 4cyl 92kW EJ2011994cc 92kW (Petrol)
SubaruForester2003SG SUV 2.0 S Turbo AWD (SG5)AWD Petrol 2.0L 4cyl 130kW EJ2051994cc 130kW (Petrol)
SubaruForester2002SF SUV 2.0 AWD (SF5)AWD Petrol 2.0L 4cyl 92kW EJ2021994cc 92kW (Petrol)
SubaruForester2002SF SUV 2.0 S Turbo AWD (SF5)AWD Petrol 2.0L 4cyl 130kW EJ2051994cc 130kW (Petrol)
SubaruForester2002SG SUV 2.5 RX Nato AWD (SG9)AWD Petrol 2.5L 4cyl 115kW EJ252457cc 115kW (Petrol)
SubaruForester2002SG SUV 2.0 AWD (SG5)AWD Petrol 2.0L 4cyl 92kW EJ2011994cc 92kW (Petrol)
SubaruForester2002SG SUV 2.0 S Turbo AWD (SG5)AWD Petrol 2.0L 4cyl 130kW EJ2051994cc 130kW (Petrol)
Portions of the information contained in this table have been provided by spareszone

Item specifics

Manufacturer Part Number
FORESTER Forester 197-L02 SF
Product Name
Suspension Kit
Does not apply

Item description from the seller

About this seller


98.8% positive feedback375K items sold

Joined Feb 2010
Usually responds within 24 hours
FRONT ENDS PART SPECIALIST---DRIVESHAFT:CV Joints,CV Shafts,CV Boots. BEARINGS:Centre,Wheel,Hubs.BRAKING:Disc Rotors,Brake Pads.ENGINE MOUNTS POWER STEERING:Box,Pump,Rack,Seal kits, High Pressure ...
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  • e***3 (177)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past month
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    My new suspension came today.good quality and Arrived in very good conditioned, extremely well packed., Good value for the money, Appearance, what's a 100%, Freight was extremely quick , Communications between me and the seller was excellen, Overall, I would recommend this seller.
  • b***l (495)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past month
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    From order to delivery response was super, the one thing i love is fast reliable service, item description is great, price is also good so i would recommend this seller to any buyer looking for great service
  • r***9 (15)- Feedback left by buyer.
    Past 6 months
    Verified purchase
    Arrived exactly as described and packed well. Good value. Will definitely keep this seller in mind in the future.