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Pokemon WOTC Jungle Set Individual Cards - Pick From List from $1!! FREE POSTAGE

Ungraded - Moderately played (Very good)
Clefable 1/64
Clefable 1/64 (Misprint No jungle Logo) (Out of stock)
Electrode 2/64
Flareon 3/64 (Misprint no Jungle Logo)
Flareon (HP) 3/64 (Out of stock)
Flareon 3/64
Jolteon 4/64 (Misprint No Jungle Logo)
Jolteon 4/64 (Out of stock)
Jolteon 4/64 (HP)
Kangaskhan 5/64
Mr. Mime 6/64 (Misprint No Jungle Logo)
Mr. Mime 6/64
Nidoqueen 7/64
Pidgeot 8/64 (Misprint No Jungle Logo)
Pidgeot 8/64
Pinsir 9/64
Scyther 10/64
Snorlax 11/64 (Misprint No Jungle Logo) (Out of stock)
Snorlax 11/64 (Out of stock)
Vaporeon 12/64
Venomoth 13/64 (Misprint No Jungle Logo) (Out of stock)
Venomoth 13/64
Victreebel 14/64
Vileplume 15/64
Wigglytuff 16/64
Clefable 17/64
Electrode 18/64 (Out of stock)
Flareon 19/64 (Out of stock)
Jolteon 20/64 (Out of stock)
Kangaskhan 21/64
Mr. Mime 22/64
Nidoqueen 23/64 (Out of stock)
Pidgeot 24/64
Pinsir 25/64 (Out of stock)
Scyther 26/64
Snorlax 27/64
Vaporeon 28/64 (Out of stock)
Venomoth 29/64
Victreebel 30/64
Vileplume 31/64 (Out of stock)
Wigglytuff 32/64 (Out of stock)
Butterfree 33/64
Dodrio 34/64
Exeggutor 35/64
Fearow 36/64
Gloom 37/64
Lickitung 38/64
Marowak 39/64
Nidorina 40/64
Parasect 41/64
Persian 42/64
Primeape 43/64
Rapidash 44/64
Rhydon 45/64
Seaking 46/64
Tauros 47/64
Weepinbell 48/64
Bellsprout 49/64
Cubone 50/64
Eevee 51/64
Most popularMost popular
Exeggcute 52/64
Goldeen 53/64
Jigglypuff 54/64
Mankey 55/64
Meowth 56/64
Nidoran 57/64
Oddish 58/64
Paras 59/64
Pikachu 60/64
Rhyhorn 61/64
Spearow 62/64
Venonat 63/64
Poke Ball 64/64
Complete Common Set 49-64/64
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AU $28.25 Australia Post International Standard.
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eBay item number:254305869022
Last updated on 08 Mar, 2025 15:23:04 AEDSTView all revisionsView all revisions

Item specifics

Ungraded - Moderately played (Very good): Not in original packaging or professionally graded
Pokémon TCG
Card Type

Item description from the seller

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95.9% positive Feedback•25K items sold

Joined Feb 2006
95.9% positive Feedback
25K items sold

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    • r***0 (120)- Feedback left by buyer.
      Past 6 months
      Verified purchase
      Fantastic quality card in great condition. A++++
    • 8***i (62)- Feedback left by buyer.
      Past 6 months
      Verified purchase
      Good quality cards. Positive to buy through. Slow postage
    • b***i (357)- Feedback left by buyer.
      Past 6 months
      Verified purchase
      Great seller, A+ communication and quick postage. Item came in perfect condition. Thank you!
    See all feedback