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Paldea Evolved Reverse Holos

Ungraded - Near mint or better
001 Hoppip
002 Skiploom (Out of stock)
003 Jumpluff
004 Pineco
006 Heracross (Out of stock)
007 Tropius
008 Combee
009 Vespiqueen
010 Snover
011 Abomasnow
012 Sprigatito
013 Sprigatito
016 Tarountua
017 Taruntula
018 Spidops
019 Nymble (Out of stock)
020 Nymble
022 Bramblin
023 Bramblin (Out of stock)
024 Brambleghast
025 Rellor
026 Rellor
028 Paldean Tauros
029 Fletchinder
030 Talonflame
031 Litleo
032 Pyroar
033 Oricorio
034 Fuecoco
035 Fuecoco
036 Crocalor
038 Charcadet (Out of stock)
039 Charcadet (Out of stock)
041 Paldean Tauros (Out of stock)
042 Magikarp
043 Gyarados
044 Marill
045 Azumarill (Out of stock)
046 Delibird
047 Luvdisc
048 Eisue
049 Quaxly
050 Quaxly
051 Quaxwell
053 Cetoddle
054 Cetoddle
056 Veluza
055 Cetitan
057 Frigibax
058 Frigibax
059 Arctibax
060 Baxcalibur (Out of stock)
062 Pikachu
065 Magnemite
064 Raichu
066 Voltorb
067 Electrode
069 Shinx
071 Luxray
072 Pincurchin
073 Pincurchin
074 Pawmi
075 Pawmo
076 Pawmot
077 Tadbulb
078 Tadbulb
080 Wattrel
081 Wattrel
082 Kilowattrel
083 Jigglypuff
084 Wigglytuff
085 Slowpoke
087 Misdreavus
088 Mismagius (Out of stock)
089 Spiritomb
090 Gothita (Out of stock)
091 Gothorita
092 Gothitelle
094 Oranguru
095 Sandygast
096 Palossand (Out of stock)
97 Mimikyu (Out of stock)
098 Ceruledge (Out of stock)
099 Rabsca (Out of stock)
101 Tinkatink (Out of stock)
102 Tinkatink
103 Tinkatuff
105 Tinkaton (Out of stock)
106 Mankey
107 Primeape
108 Paldean Tauros
109 Sudowoodo
110 Larvitar
111 Pupitar
112 Makuhita
113 Hariyama
114 Croagunk
115 Toxicroak
116 Rockruff
118 Passimian
119 Falinks
120 Naci (Out of stock)
121 Nacli
122 Nacistack (Out of stock)
123 Garganaci
124 Glimmet
125 Glimmet
126 Glimmora (Out of stock)
128 Paldean Wooper (Out of stock)
129 Paldean Wooper
Most popularMost popular
131 Murkrow
132 Honchkrow
133 Sneasel
134 Weavile
135 Tyranitar
136 Sableye
137 Sevipe
138 Deino
139 Zweilous
142 Maschiff
143 Mabosstiff
144 Shroodle
145 Shroodle
146 Grafaiai
147 Bombirdier
148 Corviknight
149 Cufant
151 Orthworm
152 Noibat
155 Farigiraf
156 Dunsparce
157 Dudunsparce
159 Pelipper
160 Slakoth
161 Vigoroth
162 Slaking
163 Fletchling
164 Rookidee
165 Corvisquie (Out of stock)
167 Tandemaus
168 Maushold
170 Flamigo (Out of stock)
171 Artazon
172 Boss's Orders
173 Bravery Charm
174 Calamitous Snowy Mountain
175 Clamitous Wasteland
176 Choice Belt
177 Clavell
178 Delivery Drone
179 Dendra
180 Falkner
181 Fighting Au Lait
182 Giacomo
183 Great Ball
184 Gusha
186 Practice Studio
187 Saguaro
188 Super Rod
189 Superior Energy Retrieval
191 Luminous Energy
192 Reversal Energy
193 Therapeutic Energy
3 available119 sold
Bulk savings quantity 1
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This one's trending. 119 have already sold.
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Located in: Perth, Western Australia, Australia
No returns accepted.

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eBay item number:256682126878
Last updated on 17 Feb, 2025 11:24:46 AEDSTView all revisionsView all revisions

Item specifics

Ungraded - Near mint or better: Not in original packaging or professionally graded
Reverse Holo
Pokémon TCG
Scarlet & Violet - Paldea Evolved
Card Name
Card Type

Item description from the seller

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100% positive Feedback6.5K items sold

Joined May 2007
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    • o***o (132)- Feedback left by buyer.
      Past month
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      The quality is unmatched, the edges are sharp, and the colors stand out beautifully!
    • t***b (9)- Feedback left by buyer.
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      Quick delivery, great condition, thank you.
    • x***x (151)- Feedback left by buyer.
      Past 6 months
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      Awesome!! A+++ seller
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